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Our Services


Is it affect or effect? Is it a comma, a colon, or a semicolon? Does the punctuation go inside or outside of the parenthesis? It's this kind of thing that can interrupt your flow as you write and bog you down in confusion. 

The solution - let us handle that!

For only $0.01 - that's one penny - per word, we will read through your project with a fine-toothed comb to correct every capitalization, find every homophone, and help your project look polished and professional. 

We can work with whatever form you are working in - Word, PDF, Google Doc, Pages, etc. We'll suggest the changes but leave the final decision up to you. Curious to see how that works? Click on the button below for a sample report.


Beta Reading

Maybe you only have a few chapters or maybe you have a completed manuscript, but you really want someone to read what you've written to give you feedback on things like character likability, emotional impact, and hooking the reader. As a beta reader, we approach your project as anyone who buys an already published book would - except that we take notes on how the material is coming across. Typically this is for fiction projects but we can also beta read non-fiction meant for the general public to give feedback on language and understanding. 

For a beta reader report alone, our rate is $1 per 1000 words. 

For an additional thirty minute consult where you can ask questions or bounce ideas, our rate is $20 for thirty minutes via zoom or call.

Copy Editing

Copy editing goes deeper into your project to look at sentence structure, tone, word choice, repetition, and clarity. 

We are currently furthering our learning in this area to ensure that we can offer the most up to date and knowledgeable service.


Not sure what type of support you need?

...or need a combination of services what we offer? Let's chat! We know very few projects fit neatly into the boxes traditional word services define. Ultimately, we are here to support you at any and all phases of your written project. So let's work together to find a solution that makes the most sense.

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